Dear Non-Black Teens of America…
My black teenage daughter asked me to share this post of hers with you.

Dear Non-Black Teens of America,
These past few days you have caused me so much additional pain. It’s indescribable. Seeing your sudden interest through your posts on social media about the injustice in this country is infuriating to me. It is not that I don’t want you speaking out about injustice, it’s just that your sudden interest does not match the character you’ve shown me in real life. It really shouldn’t take another murder of a black person for you to recognize that our country is unjust and unfair in the treatment of people of color, a reality that has existed since the founding of this country and not just now that you have noticed it. You’re doing everything wrong. Stop with your surprise- that is a form of ignorance. Stop posting and reposting about this issue suddenly, because it has become a trend. Stop showing up to marches because you feel like you have to because everyone is doing it. Stop pointing to your one black friend as evidence that you don’t see color and aren’t racist. Stop asking black people for the “N-word pass.” If you’ve done this, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Stop posting derogatory memes on social media that feature black people. Stop telling me racist jokes to my face. Stop making racist comments, like calling me 3/5 of a person, and playing it off like a joke. Stop stealing black culture when you like it and criticizing it when you don’t like it. Stop asking to touch my hair. Stop othering and exoticizing me by telling me over and over how beautiful I am- it does not feel like a compliment. Stop staring at me. You may not realize you’re doing it, but it’s creepy. Stop looking at me in class during lessons on black history or slavery. Stop thinking your outrage, as a non-black person, is even on the same planet as mine.
Start intervening when your non-black friends make racist jokes, comments, or make light of the N-word. Start reaching out to anti-racist mentors of your same race so you can figure out how to help without burdening black people with your questions. Start matching your performance on social media with an actual change of your behavior. Stop calling yourself an ally. Allyship is determined by the oppressed. Allyship is not a one time behavior like posting on social media. Allyship is a choice you make either everyday or not at all. ✊🏿